Transformational BodyTalk

Case Studies

A 47-year-old woman with lower back pain and difficulty getting out of her car. Immediately after one session, she went out to her car & got in and out several times to test it. She said, “I can’t make it hurt even if I think about how it used to hurt!” It’s been 4 months and she is still pain free.

A 60-year old woman had a weeping cyst on the top of her head for many years. Some days worse than others but always an inconvenience and worrisome. Nothing seemed to help. After her first session the weeping stopped and it has never bothered since. That was 2 years ago.

A 63-year old complaining of chronic pain particularly in the legs, constantly tired, and suffering from depression. After just 2 sessions leg pain had virtually gone, depression had lifted and she was feeling like her old self had returned. Thrilled with the results, she continues with ongoing sessions.

45-year old woman suffering from chronic lower abdominal pain – all medical tests inconclusive – after one bodytalk session pain cleared up within 24 hours and has never returned. It appears that it may have been due to blocked or diminished energy flow from an old scar that had never healed completely.

70-year old man suffering from chronic trigeminal neuralgia. He was in such pain, it was hard to keep his head up and eyes open. They had tried medication but it was not helping. So we went straight into the balancing session. By the end of the session his pain was dramatically reduced and his head had stopped throbbing. He called the next morning and I didn’t recognize his voice, he was completely out of pain and could think again. He has continued with on-going BodyTalk sessions.

40-year old woman suffering from chronic lower back pain received relief for the first time in years.

30-year old woman diagnosed with MS ten years earlier. Confined to a wheelchair and complaining of a sacral ulcer that would not heal. After a few sessions ulcer had healed completely, her energy had improved and there is noticeably more energy in her legs. Her friends also noted that she was easier to help transfer. She continues with BodyTalk balancing.

9-year old girl complaining of recurring stomach aches and dyslexia. Stomach aches have disappeared and her reading and comprehension have dramatically improved. Noticed by her mother, school teacher and herself. She feels more confident in her ability to learn and school is becoming more enjoyable.

50-year old woman — uterine fibroid. After BT balancing fibroid decreased in size dramatically. Still chose to opt for surgery which went very well and she healed quickly.

50-year old man — 12 lb sarcoma, one kidney and adrenal gland surgically removed, followed by 6 months chemotherapy. BT before and after surgery and then continued throughout his chemo. Was able to regain his strength after each dose before the next one began. Suffered very little nausea and regained his energy quickly. BT was part of his recovery program.

16-year old girl — very painful menses. After a series of BT sessions her pain is markedly reduced and her emotional swings much milder.

13-year old girl — osteomyelitis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) Suffered chronic back pain and digestive disorders. Bowel has started to function normally. At first was out of pain for a few hours after each session, now this has continued to improve and basically pain free from one session to the next which can be up to one month.

Most clients describe a greater sense of well-being and relaxation after BT. They feel more at peace with themselves, often notice that they sleep better than they have in a long time and on waking have more energy.

To schedule an appointment for a consultation, please see Appointments.